Why should I switch to natural deodorant?

Why should I switch to natural deodorant?

If you already use natural deodorant, congrats!  👏 👏👏  You're already 10 steps ahead. But if you're ready to switch from antiperspirant to natural deodorant, your pits will undoubtedly go through a funky transition phase. You will sweat a lot. You will be stinking more than usual. This will last anywhere from 2-4 weeks. It's a pain, there's no way around it. But why does this happen? And more importantly, why should you see this process through?

Simply put, your pits are detoxing from harmful ingredients. Antiperspirant contains aluminum, which blocks perspiration by preventing sweat from exiting the body. Our bodies have difficulty with temperature regulation when they can't sweat. All that waste has been blocked and your body needs to sweat it out. We associate sweat with stink, but sweat doesn't actually have an odor - it's bacteria that grows on sweat. Natural deodorant works by neutralizing odor with ingredients that absorb, soothe, and are naturally anti-bacterial. Octobod deodorant contains just 12 natural, mighty ingredients specifically chosen for their ability to deodorize sweat. We also never use synthetic fragrances, which are hormone disrupters. Instead, we use essential oils that not only neutralize/eliminate odor, but make you smell downright delicious.

So, you've decided to trash your nasty anti-perspirant but what can you do during the first couple of weeks of pit pungency? For starters, you can shower with Octobod Charcoal & Clay soap. This soap contains charcoal, which has been used for centuries as a detoxifier. You should absolutely use Octobod deodorant every day to deodorize your pits while they're regulating. Once you get over the first two weeks of detox, you'll notice your body is sweating and stinking way less. Just a little patience is all it takes and you'll never look back, promise.


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