Plastic-free. Clean ingredients.
F*** single-use plastic!
Hey, we get it. There were a lot of things that sounded good at the time. Fast food every day. Cigarettes. Tanning with baby oil.
But we all come around. We start realizing that smarter decisions lead to a better life.
Plastic has its place in our lives. Our phones are made of it. Our vacuum cleaners and fridges are made of it. But these things last a long time. The real issue today is single-use throwaway plastic - things that we use for just a couple of months, or even a couple of minutes, then toss in the trash. There’s way too much of it, but the good news is that it’s relatively easy to reduce, especially in the bathroom.
We’re not here to lecture anyone about it: we are here to make it easier to avoid.
Lack of available alternatives is a huge part of the problem, and not many of us have the time for endless internet-searching or wandering the aisles, hoping to find plastic-free products.
So jump in and let us take care of it for you: our products are never packaged in plastic. Once you become an Octobod user, you are reducing single-use plastic without doing anything other than hitting the order button.
We’ll take care of the rest.
No more toxic products.
Octobod’s products are clean and simple. Take a look at our ingredients on the packaging or the website and look for the bad stuff. Let’s just save you the trouble: you won’t find any.
But if you want to do the homework, we’re here to help. On the website, each of our products has the ingredients listed beneath, and spelled out in plain English, so you have a clear idea of what you are using to keep your skin, hair and teeth clean and healthy.
We want you to know what we know, and not every grooming brand will tell you that.
You’re a trailblazer!
Instead of being a niche, you can help to turn it mainstream. The electric car, recycling, solar panels - these things have all been adopted by people who once would never have done so, and the world is a better place for it.
Because of people like you, the early embracers, the trend setters, the ground breakers.
Your children will thank you, and so do we.